General Donation
Want to support the mission of Friends of Chatham to help preserve Chatham Manor, its dependencies and grounds, but not become a member? We understand! Please know that all donations made as a “General Donation” will go to our Preservation Fund and used at the discretion of the Board of Directors to help fund our current projects to include potentially the maintenance of the gardens themselves as funded by Friends of Chatham. The Board of Directors of Friends of Chatham appreciate every donation made to Friends of Chatham, no matter the size. Thank you!
A financial statement is available upon written request from the Virginia Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs.
Contributions made by check and mailed to
Friends of Chatham
PO Box 36, Fredericksburg, VA 22404
will allow 100% of your funds to benefit the organization and avoid processing fees.

Liz Thompson Memorial Fund for Chatham Garden & Grounds
Preservation and enhancement of Chatham’s historic gardens is an ongoing project of Friends of Chatham. We are working with the National Park Service on plans for enhancement efforts that will acknowledge the history of the gardens with an eye toward sustainability. We are also funding a professional gardener, Scott Blake. Scott evaluates the maintenance needs of the garden and works with the National Park Service staff on planning and procurement needs. Under Scott’s guidance, volunteers work in the garden every Wednesday morning, weather permitting, during the garden season. Master Gardeners from the Master Gardener Association of the Central Rappahannock Area (MGACRA) work in the garden every week. The Rappahannock Valley Garden Club and the Rappahannock Fredericksburg Rotary Club also contribute volunteers as well as financial support. Other organizations and individual volunteers and donors are essential to the historic garden efforts at Chatham Manor.
How can you help?
You can provide financial support by making a donation to the Liz Thompson Memorial Fund for Chatham Gardens and Grounds through the Donate button below. Or you may send a check, specifying “Garden Fund” on the memo line, to Friends of Chatham, PO Box 36, Fredericksburg, VA 22404.
A financial statement is available upon written request from the Virginia Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs.
During the garden season, March 1 through December 15, you can provide “hands on” help by volunteering. If you would like to volunteer, simply come to the garden any Wednesday morning beginning about 8:00. Volunteers work all morning- no set times or number of hours. There are garden tools available, or you may bring your own if you prefer. Direction and help will be provided, so you do not need to be an expert gardener. Just come ready to work and to enjoy a morning surrounded by Chatham’s beauty.
If you would like more information about making a donation or volunteering, email Friends of Chatham at friendsofchatham@gmail.com and put “garden” in your subject line.